1.0 Use of the AuraData System
1.1 AuraData System. AuraData provides verification services through the “AuraData System”. The “AuraData System” comprises all applications, programs, databases, and website pages used to complete a Subscriber Sign-up Form, obtain and process verification requests, make search results available to Subscribers and make historical data available to the Subscriber and the Institution.
1.2 License. AuraData grants YOU, being a Subscriber to the AuraData System, a non-exclusive, limited and revocable license to search, download and view information relating to data subjects’ educational history, current enrolment status, degrees and/or professional designation (collectively “Verification Data”) using the AuraData System. As an authorized agent of Canadian educational institutions and professional bodies (“Institutions”), AuraData grants you the right to directly use the Verification Data only for the purposes for which the information is being requested. You represent and warrant that the Verification Data will only be used for such purposes and that the Verification Data will not be reproduced, copied, distributed or transmitted for any other purposes.
1.3 Agreement. By using the AuraData System, you agree to be bound by this Terms of Use Agreement. AuraData reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, alter or otherwise update this Agreement at any time upon prior written notice to you.
1.4 Privacy Policy. All information about data subjects that you provide to AuraData becomes subject to AuraData’s Privacy Policy. By accessing or using the AuraData System, you warrant that you have read and understand AuraData’s Privacy Policy.
1.5 Assignment. This Agreement between you and AuraData may not be assigned by you to any other person without AuraData’s prior written consent.As an individual authorizing the release of past education or professional designation information ("Verification Data") to a Subscriber, the data subject is asked to provide specific data in order for AuraData to accurately verify the data subject’s records on behalf of the Institution. AuraData collects the data subject's name, birth date, the Institution attended and the Student ID or Membership Number. Additionally, for education or professional designation verification, AuraData asks for the data subject's graduation year or year of membership with a professional body, and the degree or designation respectively.