We have been in business since 2004.

Our Services

Our services are aimed at employers, businesses, human resource professionals and governments requiring fast, convenient and economical confirmation of a subject’s credentials as advertised in their documentation.

Our Solutions

We meet these business challenges by utilizing state of the art technology and business solutions secured through strategic alliances, enabling electronic access to current information on these databases.

Information Access

We provide 24/7, convenient, cost effective and privacy compliant access to information vastly improving subscriber service while reducing service delivery costs.

Our Commitment

Our commitment is to exceed the expectations of every subscriber, create a great place to work, and maximize the company’s value. Our commitment to achieving subscribers’ needs begins with the very first customer contact throughout the entire process. We view our subscribers’ requirements as our own and are accountable through the entire process.

Our Attitude

From our communication with our subscribers to the delivery of quality results, we stand apart from our competition. We are dedicated to fulfilling our subscribers’ goals and our entrepreneurial approach ensures your complete satisfaction. We think and act creatively allowing us to focus on the subscribers and maximize their experience. We value individualism within our staff and they have complete autonomy throughout the process.

Our Valued Partners